Wonder by R.J. Palacio
I have really enjoyed the first half of Wonder so far. I think the story includes a great message and is an honest story about what life is like for many kids. August Pullman is a young boy who was born with physical deformities stemming from a genetic mutation. He often feels different and not “normal”. The first half of this book focuses on how August is going to school for the first time in his life, as he had been home-schooled in the past. There is an argument over whether or not August should even be going to school because his parents have tried to shelter and protect him from other people. When they decide to send him to school August is extremely nervous and hopes that the other students will treat him like every other student at school. The book is told in first-person with different parts of the book focusing on different characters in the story. The different points of view include Via, Jack, Charlotte and Summer. Via, Augusts’ sister, expresses in her section of ...