How to Steal a Dog by Barbara O'Connor

I find the main character, Georgina Hayes, to be selfish, irresponsible and inconsiderate. However, at the same time, given her situation and the circumstances of her life, I think she is acting in the way any child her age would act. Georgina struggled to comprehend her situation and why all of the sudden her father was gone and her family was thrust into poor living conditions and poverty. Just like any normal young child she thought somehow she was the cause of her families problems. She also took out her frustration and her anxieties out on her mom, who was already trying extremely hard to support her family and save up enough to move out of the car. ""Find us a place to live." I stomped away from her and then whirled back around. "This is all your fault.""(9) Mama was working two jobs to save money and heard her kids' frustration with living in the car. She desperately wanted to do something so she found a temporary living situation. A run down house for them to stay in. This is the point where I felt Georgina was being more selfish and inconsiderate than before. It is evident that her mom is trying hard, however, instead of being grateful she says "Our nasty ole car is better than this place". (45) Georgina herself is not an overly negative or pessimistic person, I think she believes their living situation will improve. However, in the midst of problems she is not necessarily able to see the forest for the trees. She is so involved and caught up in the problems and negative aspects of their life she only sees one solution and becomes very single minded

Test comment
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this blog. I did have a head tilt at the idea of there being thing that "normal" young children do. I always wonder about how people put things/people/places in categories. We are all categorical thinkers, as humans, so I wonder what other qualities would make up a normal young child. One thing I find interesting was that the after hearing classmates, is that we tend to side with Georgina, after acknowledging that she is rude and more, but the mother seems to be seen as the problem. I all actuality we do not know enough about their history to pass judgement on how Georgina treats her mom. For all we know her mom could have been promising her that things would get better many times before, and that Georgina is has lost patients. I believe that each family member is doin what they can do to survive.
ReplyDeleteI find it interesting how we feel the same way about Georgina and the way she has handled the trials and tribulations that her and her family are going through. She has definitely shown herself to be very selfish and not very considerate of her mother and all that she has done and is doing for her and her brother. It is a bit frustrating to read and listen to the things she says to her mom. But, the book has kept me entertained and has got me glued to what is to come next.