The BFG by Roald Dahl continued

I thought the second half of the BFG was just as good, interesting and imaginative as the first half. My love of Roald Dahl’s word choice continued into the last half of the book. His words and the way he made aspects of the story paint a picture are amazing. I could visualize and place myself in the environments and situations depicted in the book.

In the first half of the book I questioned how friendly the BFG was. However, in the second half I have come to really like the BFG and the relationship he has with Sophie. Both Sophie and BFG initially seemed very unsure and apprehensive of one another, however, throughout the course of the book they have developed a sense of trust and understanding of one another. I think it connects to many situations in real life, where people judge or make initial assumptions of other and end up being completely wrong. Also, because both characters are outsiders in their own worlds I think they could bond and find comfort in one another. They both found a friend in an unexpected way and through unexpected circumstances.
I also really liked how the character of Sophie developed throughout the book. She was originally pictured as a small, helpless and lost little girl. However, towards the end of the book the reader could tell she was becoming stronger and more comfortable. She had great ideas about how to talk and convince the Queen of the existence of giants. This ended up being a big turning point in the story and ended up giving Sophie and the BFG a happy ending. An ending that was very unexpected to the reader. It was surprising that the BFG ended up being the author/ narrator of this story.

I think this book could be used in many ways in the classroom.  Students could use this book to practice making predictions as well as discuss character development. Also, the idea of what is morally right/ wrong could be brought up in classroom discussions. Overall, I thought this book was very interesting and enjoyable.


  1. I was happy to see you connection between the book and experiences students, or anyone, may have. There has been many times that I have judged a person just by looking at them. The more intimidating I find them the more I gravitate towards them. I was surprised that Sophie trusted BFG so quickly, let alone the queen. The queen never questioned if the dream that BFG planted was a trap. In the end I do not think that BFG is in the clear for being nice in my book, but he did get better. =) lovely post

  2. I find it interesting that you found the BFG to not be very friendly at the beginning of the book. I originally thought he was rather friendly as well as caring with Sophie. The only thing that I can say is that it did take him a bit to become friendly and accepting of Sophie, but the same could be said about Sophie accepting the BFG. I also thought the ending was rather warming but at the same time I thought it was a bit cheesy due to the author revealing that he was the BFG. But, all in all, I feel the same way you do about the book. I really liked the theme of accepting others and not judging a book by its cover.


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