The Giver by Lois Lowry

Image result for the giverThe Giver is write in the perspective of Jonas, an eleven year old boy who lives in what seems to be  utopian society in the future. There is no pain, no fear, no hatred or prejudice. The society seems actually very creepy to me because everyone acts, talks, dresses and interacts the same. There is very little differentiation between individuals and there is no real freedom to make individual choices. It seems as if every member of the community is being controlled. Even jobs, spouses/ families and lifestyles are dictated by the society they live in, not the individual themselves.

Image result for the giverJonas is going to be given his job assignment in what is called a ceremony of twelve. Because he has certain powers that others don't he is given the job of The Receiver. In this job he keeps the memories of sadness, anger, madness, pain or any other emotion the people in the community might remember.

Overall, I thought the ideas in The Giver were really creative and imaginative. I was trying to think of what a society like this would look like and the only thing that came to my mind was the beginning of the Sylvester Stallone movie Demolition Man where there is a future society of people who live in complete harmony without fear, or violence. In theory this type of society sound wonderful, but I think it takes away individual expression, freedom and joys of life. I'm interested to see what happens to Jonas and the community he lives in.


  1. I found your post interesting because there was some examples of personality. For example, Ashe had an endearing ceremony that consisted of people laughing at his mix up of words. The little sister had the personality of being a talker. There entire career is based off their personality and interests, but I agree there is an eeriness to the way they live. That is because of the perfect mold they must fit in or they will have to leave the community.


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