Wonder by R.J. Palacio continued

See the source image

The second half of Wonder continues to introduce new characters and perspectives. I really enjoyed this book and the story of Auggie. I think this book touches on many different key lessons, ideas and themes. The theme I htink is most prevelant in this story is the theme of perserverance. Also key in this story is friendship, love and growth.
August shows extreme perseverance through many aspects and point in his life. He is faced automatically with hardships as he is born with facial abnormalities. He faces bullying, taunting, bad/ mean looks and the fear that he is never going to be a normal kid, like everyone else. While he has the help of his family and friend Auggie's shows that he is tough and resilient in the face of hardships and challenges. 
See the source imageWonder also hints at themes of love, friendship, courage, and growth. Growth in particular is something I think Auggie personally exhibits a lot as the book goes on. He starts the book as a sheltered young kid who is being faced with a challenge of going to school for the first time with other kids his age. He is a shy, sheltered and even scared young boy. As the story goes on he develops relationships with other people, he also gain confidence in himself and realizes he doesn't need to be the same as everyone or fit in perfectly to be a normal kid. sometimes normal is overrated. He finds the courage to be himself and shows how brave and strong he can be.



  1. You have a interesting perspective 😊. I didn't get the part that he realized that he "doesn't need to be like everyone else." I do not believe Auggie had that revolation. It was just a matter of people getting to know other students and those students getting to know him. I think that what makes this book beautiful was that society changed because they began to get to know August. For example, even Amos and Miles came to his rescue, then walked him back to the movie, as though they were his emperor gaurd.

    I just think August thinks he is a kid. A matter of fact he found it silly that he was getting the award considering he hasn't done anything.


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