
Showing posts from October, 2017

The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt

Holling Hoodhood starts out seventh grade thinking his teacher, Mrs. Baker, hates him. He is the only Presbyterian in the classroom and he feels like he is being singled out for this reason. He is stuck in the classroom on Wednesday afternoons doing meaningless chores, like cleaning erasers and wiping down blackboards. Mrs. Baker has him start reading Shakespeare, "The Tempest", and he actually becomes pretty interested in it. But he still thinks Mrs. Barker is out to get him.  From the first day of school Holling thought Mrs. Baker was trying to punish him and resented him. He assumed there was going to be a year-long war between the two of them. He often seems paranoid about her motives and her reasoning for doing things and assumes she is trying to hurt him. I don't understand Holling's approach or behavior towards Mrs. Baker. I think he may feel stuck in the situation and as if he cannot let his family down because Mrs. Baker's family business may h

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen continued

Now that I have finished Hatchet I think the first half of the book is more about Brian's initial challenges and coming to terms with the situation. Whereas the second half of the book is more about Brian's actual fight for survival. Brian finds strengths within himself he had no idea about. He makes weapons and tools like a spear for fishing, as well as a shelter to keep him safe. Brian was attacked by a moose as well as faced a tornado. Although he was injured and exhausted he continued on. I think Brian showed a lot of determination and persistence throughout all of his ordeals. Also, while undoubtedly toughened up by his ordeals Brian still shows sadness, grief and terror about the plane crash. When he first sees the plane again he feels a rush of sadness come over him because of the pilot and when he goes over to the plane when trying to find the survival pack he worries about seeing the dead pilot underwater.  I think this showed he is still just a thirteen-year-old boy

Hatchet by Gary Paulsen

I really enjoyed the first half of Hatchet. I think it is an engaging story about survival and overcoming odds. The story is centered around a young boy named Brian Robeson. His parents had just recently gotten divorced and he is heading to the Canadian wilderness to spend time with his dad for the summer. Before he leaves for Canada his mom gives him a gift, a hatchet. While flying Brian notices the pilot of their small plane begins to have a heart attack. The pilot is no longer in control of the plane and Brian must take over to try and land safely. He was able to crash land the plane in water, however, now he is stuck in the wilderness, alone, with only a hatchet. I thought this was where the real story began and the reader could tell this was going to be a trying and hard journey for Brian. After the plane crash Brian's first actions were to crawl out of the water and he slept until the next day, exhausted and hurting from what just happened. That next day he realize

The BFG by Roald Dahl continued

I thought the second half of the BFG was just as good, interesting and imaginative as the first half. My love of Roald Dahl’s word choice continued into the last half of the book. His words and the way he made aspects of the story paint a picture are amazing. I could visualize and place myself in the environments and situations depicted in the book. In the first half of the book I questioned how friendly the BFG was. However, in the second half I have come to really like the BFG and the relationship he has with Sophie. Both Sophie and BFG initially seemed very unsure and apprehensive of one another, however, throughout the course of the book they have developed a sense of trust and understanding of one another. I think it connects to many situations in real life, where people judge or make initial assumptions of other and end up being completely wrong. Also, because both characters are outsiders in their own worlds I think they could bond and find comfort in one another. They