The Wednesday Wars by Gary D. Schmidt

Holling Hoodhood starts out seventh grade thinking his teacher, Mrs. Baker, hates him. He is the only Presbyterian in the classroom and he feels like he is being singled out for this reason. He is stuck in the classroom on Wednesday afternoons doing meaningless chores, like cleaning erasers and wiping down blackboards. Mrs. Baker has him start reading Shakespeare, "The Tempest", and he actually becomes pretty interested in it. But he still thinks Mrs. Barker is out to get him. From the first day of school Holling thought Mrs. Baker was trying to punish him and resented him. He assumed there was going to be a year-long war between the two of them. He often seems paranoid about her motives and her reasoning for doing things and assumes she is trying to hurt him. I don't understand Holling's approach or behavior towards Mrs. Baker. I think he may feel stuck in the situation and as if he cannot let his family down because Mrs. Baker's family business may h...